Junk Removal Tips Cleb . Junk Removal Tips Cleb .


A popular New Year’s resolution for many is to be more organized and tidy. Unfortunately for most of us, as the year moves along, our houses get messier and messier for respective reasons. Messy houses can be stressful and cause some anxiety, but there are several things any homeowner can do to resolve the messy home conundrum.

Establish A Good Routine

Routines may take some time to get used to and establish but are hard to break. To put a messy home in the rearview mirror, start with the basics. Make your bed after you wake up every morning, do not let house trash overflow, and do not leave things on the floor that do not belong on the floor.

Be Motivated

Piggybacking off the previous point, being motivated to keep your house clean will go a long, long way. Having the motivation to prevent a messy home will decrease the chances of mess building up.

Put Together A Donation Pile

There are probably a handful of items inside your home that would be better served in a different home. If your home is a mess, a good way to resolve this issue would be to give away helpful items you no longer need or use. Donation items to remember are Toys, Games, Books, Clothing, and furniture.

Organize Cords and Wires

Cords are wires are essential for most homes to function, but their presence can take away from the aesthetics of any home. Cords and wires can get messy in a hurry so always spend some time to untangle them if need be and conceal them the best you can.

Rely On A Professional Service

Sometimes a messy home requires the aid of a team. Some things are not meant to be done alone and there is no shame in having help when it comes to cleaning your home. Professional junk removers or cleaners can help you tidy up your home and declutter in no time.

Professional Junk Removers in Boston, MA: All Day Junk

At All Day Junk, we can help you declutter your home when you need it decluttered. Our team is experienced, friendly, and flexible. Contact us to get started today!

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Deep cleans are supposed to happen in the spring, right? You can clean and de-junk at any time of year! Just because winter is here doesn’t mean that you can’t take to the garage, basement, attic, or closet to get rid of unwanted junk. Here’s how to prepare for winter junk removal. 

Get Organized

Creating organized piles or lists of items is a great place to start your dejunking process. As you go through your stuff, divide them up into sections, so you know what to keep, toss, or donate. When it comes time to get rid of these things, you’ll know exactly where the piles are headed. 

Give Away the Good Stuff

It can be tempting to just get rid of everything, but chances are you have a few items that are in good shape and still usable. If you no longer need or want these things, consider giving them away or donating them instead of junking them. Organizing a “junk swap” with friends, family, or neighbors is an excellent way to get rid of things you don’t need while maybe finding a few things you do! Alternatively, you can donate your usable items directly to charities, thrift shops, and shelters. 

Focus on the Garage

The garage is a junk magnet, so you likely have a few things there that you can get rid of. Dejunking the garage opens up a lot of space for storage and makes it easier to stay organized. Replace random junk, broken tools, and old bicycles with a shelving unit and storage bins to keep all your non-junk items safe, secure, and easy to find. 

Replace and Repair

Broken or damaged items don’t necessarily belong in the junk pile. Check whether or not these items can be repaired before getting rid of them. In some cases, though, it will make more financial sense to replace than repair. 

Hire a Professional Junk Removal Company

Getting rid of your junk can quickly turn into a bigger job than you may have thought. YOu may have more items than you thought, or you may not know what to do with them. And if you’re environmentally conscious, you may be concerned about whether or not you can recycle certain items. Hiring a professional junk removal company ensures that your junk items end up in the right place to get the most use out of them. An experienced company will know how to recycle as much as possible and dispose of dangerous materials so that you can rest easy. 

Professional Junk Removal Services in New England: All Day Junk Removal

Need Junk removal services this winter? No problem! Our Junk removal team is reliable, experienced, and available seven days a week! Contact us to get started today!

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Junk Removal Tips Cleb . Junk Removal Tips Cleb .


If you have been a homeowner for at least a couple of years now, there is a good chance you have accumulated an assortment of “junk items” within your home. Junk items can pile up before you know it and many homeowners lack the motivation to dispose of these items themselves. If you are ready to declutter your home of junk, but need assistance, that is why junk removal companies exist! Here are the best benefits when partnering up with a junk removal team.


One of the benefits of working with a junk removal company is the variety of protection they can provide. For starters, they can offer protection against the odds you injure yourself doing the junk removal task all by yourself. Junk removal often time involves heavy or dangerous objects. Junk removal teams have the proper equipment and staff to help you get the job done as safely as possible. Professional junk removal companies also have the proper certifications and are insured so you do not have to worry about getting sued if someone gets hurt. You may be under the assumption a family member, friend, or neighbor would never sue you if they were to get hurt on your watch, but in some cases, they just might.


Efficiency in any aspect of life always goes a long way. When you work with a junk removal team to clean up your home, you will end up saving an abundance of time. Time is something none of us can get back and junk removal teams can make it easier for you.

Proper Disposal

Depending on where you live, there could be different laws regarding how waste should be disposed of. Sometimes it is not as simple as throwing something away wherever you would like to. Improper disposal of items in your community can lead to fines and in some cases, you could be asked to take back what you tossed out.

Professional Junk Removal Services in Massachusetts: All Day Junk Removal Services

If you are a Massachusetts resident and need help decluttering your home, All Day Junk Removal is always just a phone call away! Our team is professional, friendly, and always eager to help our communities. We offer a variety of junk removal services. Contact us today to get started!

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Although it can be hard to say goodbye to a longtime home, there is no reason for downsizing to be a negative experience – You should look at this move as an opportunity to eliminate junk & begin a fresh start in a new home! If you’re moving from a large house to a smaller one, it may be difficult to determine what items you want to keep and what to do with the ones you no longer want. Here’s our guide to cleaning out when you are downsizing!

Re-Home Your Items

Sometimes items you decide to get rid of will still have lots of life left in them. It is always nice to offer these secondhand items to new owners – Most of us genuinely appreciate a good hand-me-down! But if you can’t seem to find a new home for something promptly during your clean-out, don’t let the item continue to sit around. A good rule of thumb for a still useful item is to offer it to someone who could benefit, but if they don’t make plans to pick it up within a day or two, move it along with a junk removal or donation service.

Be Realistic

Sure, you might start knitting someday with that pile of yarn – But how long have you been saying that for, and letting the items continue to collect dust? Clean out your belongings according to your current lifestyle, not the one you wish you had. It’s okay if you don’t like to cook! That’s a great reason to cut down on space by slimming down your kitchenware collection. If there are fewer people living in your home now, do you really need the extra set of dishware, or is one enough? Consider the factors to your lifestyle when cleaning out.

Give Yourself Time

Cleaning out before a move can be an arduous and emotional process. After years of collecting items in one dwelling, there is probably A LOT to go through, and many of your items carry sentimental value. Just because it is time to get rid of something doesn’t mean it’s not hard to say goodbye! To eliminate potential stress, avoid starting too close to your move-out deadline, and allow yourself time to decide what will be important and useful for your new smaller space.

Leave Junk Removal to the Professionals

It is a given that downsizing will mean eliminating a lot of junk. Save yourself countless trips to the dump by hiring a professional junk removal service to take your unwanted items. Your junk will be properly disposed of, and you will have time to do more important things, like packing for your move!

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Fall is near, which means one thing: yard cleanup time. As the leaves turn brilliant shades of red and gold, they eventually fall from the trees, covering your yard in a colorful blanket. While this natural display can be a sight to behold, it also calls for some serious cleaning. Here are some tips for cleaning your yard.

Start with a Plan

Before diving into the leaf piles, take a moment to assess your yard. Create a plan- prioritize areas that require the most attention. Think where you’ll deposit the collected debris- you can choose composting or mulching or use yard waste bags. Having a clear plan will save you time and effort down the line.

Invest in the Right Tools

The right tools can make all the difference in yard debris cleanup. Equip yourself with a quality rake, leaf blower, and sturdy gloves. Leaf blowers can significantly speed up the process, making it easier to corral leaves into manageable piles. You can also opt for a leaf vacuum for large yards.

Timing is Everything

Don’t wait until your yard is buried under a mountain of leaves. Regular maintenance throughout the season can prevent overwhelming cleanup tasks later. Aim to clean up leaves and debris at least once a week during peak fall foliage. This approach will keep your yard looking tidy and make the final cleanup less daunting.

Bagging and Disposal

For areas where mulching isn’t suitable, invest in heavy-duty yard waste bags. These sturdy bags can handle leaves, twigs, and other debris. Ensure they are securely closed and ready for pickup or transport to a composting facility. Check local regulations for proper disposal methods.


Yard cleanup can be physically demanding, so prioritize safety. Wear appropriate clothing, including gloves and comfortable shoes with good traction. Take breaks to prevent fatigue and stay hydrated. Watch out for hidden hazards like branches, rocks, or uneven ground.

Reward Yourself

After a successful day of yard cleanup, reward yourself for a job well done.  Knowing you’ve efficiently tackled the fall debris will give you a sense of a well-deserved accomplishment.

Professional Yard Cleaning Services in Massachusetts

All Day Junk Removal is a team of junk removal professionals you can rely on when you need your yard cleaned. We have been providing services throughout Massachusetts for the better part of a decade, so we know how messy yards can get and how to restore the area. Contact us to get started!

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Before Summe ends, does your home need to be decluttered? Deep cleanings can be refreshing and it is always great to have the help of a junk removal company during the process. With that said, many are under the assumption that junk removal companies can accept any and everything in a home and that is not true. Junk removal companies usually stray away from hazardous items and waste.

Common items Junk Removals cannot help you dispose of

Unaccepted Junk Removal items will vary from company to company but here are the most common items not accepted:

  • Paint Cans

  • Car and Vehicle Parts

  • Certain Liquids and Oils

  • Medication

  • Cleaning products such as bleach

It is not that junk removal companies do not want to help you remove all the items you do not want, it’s the fact it is not in everyone’s best interest. Most of the items not accepted by junk removal companies pose as safety concerns for those involved. Also, keep in mind that another reason a junk removal company might not want to take on an item is that it is not accepted at a landfill or dumpsite. It is never anything personal when a junk company states it cannot help you dispose of a certain item or items.

What Are The Most Common Items Junk Removal Companies do accept?

Now that you know the most common items junk removal companies do not accept, here is a good reminder of what most junk removal companies can help you get rid of.

  • Heavy Appliances such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, etc.

  • Furniture ranging from couches to chairs to tables, etc.

  • Exercise Equipment

  • Toys

  • Old Mattresses

Professional Junk Removal Company in Eastern MA & Southern NH: All Day Junk Removal

At All Day Junk Removal, we can help you organize and rid your home of junk. We even offer commercial junk removal services in case businesses or offices are interested. Before scheduling a junk removal appointment, do not hesitate to reach out to determine whether or not we take certain items. We would be happy to provide some clarity and give you an idea of what we can help you get rid of. Contact us today to learn more!

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Furniture is an important aspect of every home. Furniture enables us to relax and be comfortable within a home, but there comes a time when the existing furniture is just not getting the job done. There is a wide belief that furniture should be changed out every ten years or so. After a decade, furniture will likely have significant wear and tear and likely be outdated. Here are the main signs to look for when determining if the time is now regarding acquiring new furniture.

Back Pain After Using Sofa

While back pain can be a byproduct of just sitting down for too long, if you keep having reoccurring back pain after using the same sofa, it could signal that your sofa is not as comfortable as it once was. It is only natural for sofa cushions to deteriorate over time, so if you believe your sofa is at least playing a part in your back pain, do not hesitate to replace it.

You Want To Impress The People You Have Over

Inviting people over to your house and having them use beat-up furniture is not ideal. We have all been envious of someone else at some point in our lives. One of the best ways to impress guests you have over to your home is with high-quality furniture.

Your Current Furniture Just Does Not Look Clean

No matter how well you take care of your furniture, there are only so many spills, dirt, and stains it can withstand. After a handful of years, even if you keep your furniture as clean as possible, it might not look clean. If part of your furniture grosses you out, it is safe to say it will gross out whoever might consider using the area.

Creaking Sounds

Furniture making creaking sounds is not ideal. When you hear furniture creaking, it could very well mean the furniture is about to break. The best thing to do when you hear furniture creaking when in use is to stop using it and replace it.

Area Remodel

If you plan on remodeling a certain area of your home, it would not be a bad idea to bring in new furniture. New furniture often makes revamping an area much easier.

Furniture Removal: All Day Junk Services

All Day Junk Services can help you remove your old furniture, and help you bring in your new furniture. Removing furniture can be tricky, but with our experience and expertise, we can make it a smooth transition. Contact us today to get started!

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Cleaning Tips Cleb . Cleaning Tips Cleb .


With a new year upon us, many of us are driven by new goals and aspirations. Goals for our families, health, or emotional well-being are often at our focal point. In order to achieve these goals successfully, one must first get their home in order. There is no better start to the year than a fresh, clean home, free from clutter. There are several steps one must take to achieve this goal properly, practically, and affordably. 

Donate Unwanted Clothes or Furniture

The first step in decluttering your home is to remove all items that are in functional condition but that you no longer want or need. The best thing to do with these unwanted items, such as clothes or furniture, is to donate them. Call local shelters, clothing banks, and churches to see if your donations would be of use to them. If not, most areas have a Salvation Army nearby that will also accept these items.

Hire a Professional Junk Removal Company

If your clutter has gotten out of control, or if getting around your home and removing the junk items is too laborious, it may be in your best interest to contact a professional junk removal service. These professionals can do all the heavy lifting and help you navigate through the clutter, and dispose of it. If you need help, there are numerous options available.

Sell Items in Good Condition

If you have items of value that you do not often use that are taking up space in your home, it may be a good idea to look into selling these items. Many neighborhoods have a website for residents to post things that they want to. You can also turn to other applications such as the Facebook marketplace to post your sellable items. This will not only clear up space in your home, but also put some extra cash in your pocket.

Deep Clean as You Go

To save yourself time and energy, it is in your best interest to deep clean as you go. Grab a broom and a bucket of water with cleaner and a rag to carry along with you as you go. Each time you clean up garbage or remove a piece of furniture, sweep, and then clean the surfaces as you go. This will save time and help you be more productive in your work.

Contact All Day Junk Today

For more information on decluttering your home, or to ask about our professional services, reach out to us today. Our team of skilled professionals can help you achieve a clean, decluttered home for the new year. Our services take the stress out of home decluttering and set you up on a path of success. Give us a call today at (978) 682-2040 or fill out a contact form for a free quote.

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With Summer coming to a close, fall is not too far behind. Fall means more time spent indoors. If your office building has not been cleaned in quite some time, now would be a good time to conduct an office cleaning. Here are some benefits of cleaning out an office space right before the Fall or in the Fall.

Better Air Quality

Indoor air quality is invaluable these days. If an office has not been cleaned in months, the chances are the air quality is not ideal. Dust in office spaces accumulates quickly so it is important to be vigilant about dust.

Creates More Space

Most offices can benefit from more space, especially in the fall or winter time. One would be surprised how many items are hoarded in an office space. If there are broken chairs, no longer needed documents, etc, it is best to get rid of them.

Increased Productivity

It is not rocket science that a cleaner office can increase office productivity. Messy spaces, cluttered desks, or dirty areas can hamper or distract employees. Putting employees in the best position to succeed starts with a clean office.

Safer Workspace

A safe workspace is what every employee wants. When a office is cluttered and unorganized, employees can easily trip over something. Cleaning out an office regularly also creates a safer workspace in terms of limited germs, bacteria, etc.

A Chance To Make An Impression

An office that is tidy, organized, and well-run can leave a good impression on a customer, client, and potential employees. A clean office oftentimes means the office takes the well-being of everyone seriously. A priceless gesture that is often noticed by many.

Professional Office Cleanouts in Boston, MA:

All Day Junk Removal

All Day Junk is a versatile junk removal company servicing Massachusetts and parts of New Hampshire. When it comes to office cleanouts, we can help you get rid of items your office no longer needs, help you plan, and even help you disassemble large items. Contact our team today if you need assistance with cleaning out your office to prepare for a new season!

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Another Summer has come and gone just like that. With Summer being its usual fast-paced self and flying by, homeowners probably overlooked maintaining a few things around their respective houses. Here is a guide on end-of-summer cleaning that would best serve your home.

Get Rid Of Some Items That You No Longer Use

Now is still an ideal team to declutter your home. If parts of your home have become untidy or difficult to navigate, consider tossing out items are the forefront of the issue. The same mindset can be applied to furniture. If you have furniture such as chairs that have become worn down or hardly used anymore, do not hesitate to toss them out and replace them.

Check On & Clean Those Gutters

Some homeowners have probably gone their whole summer without checking up on their gutters. They can be easy to overlook because we only tend to think about them when they fail to do their job. If you have not checked on your gutter yet this summer, check on it as soon as possible. Inspect it to make sure it checks out and has no noticeable damage. After the inspection, clean out the gutter. There is a good chance your gutter has taken on leaves and other debris. Remove what you can to make your gutter’s job easier.

Check On Your Roof Or Have Someone Check

The last thing any homeowner wants is to find out if they have a leaky roof in the fall or winter. Checking on your roof now ensures there is ample time to shore up any issues before inclement weather arrives. If you are comfortable enough checking on your roof do so as soon as you can. If going on your roof is not something you are comfortable with, contact a professional to assist you.

Professional Junk Removal In Massachusetts: All Day Junk

All Day Junk is open seven days a week and can help you clean up your home or commercial property at any time of the year. We offer a variety of services that can allow you to clean up your space in no time! Contact us today to get started on a cleaner environment!

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For most of us, our garages are filled with countless boxes, tools, and unneeded items. For years, garages have not only served as storage for our cars, but as a place we like to keep things we do not want around the main areas of our house. Safe to say, most of the things in our garages are “junk”. Take a quick look at the current state of your garage. Is it a cluttered mess? If you believe your garage is in a state of disarray, here the are main benefits of cleaning up your garage. 

Visually Appealing 

Who does not like an attractive space? When you clean up your garage and organize the area, it will look more aesthetically pleasing. Most of us do not like spending much time in our garages because it is usually untidy and unsightly. Well, when you commit to making your garage look nice, you will likely spend more time in it and enjoy doing so.

Extra Space

Most homeowners are always looking for more additional space but adding new rooms to a home can be costly. If you are looking for extra space in your home, a good idea is to turn to your garage. Your garage is a space that is already a part of your home and should be taken advantage of.

Reduce chances of Mold or Pests

No homeowner wants to see mold or pests, but they love to thrive in messy garage. Poorly maintained garages are usually a breeding ground for mold or pests. When you clean your garage and keep it tidy, you minimize the chances mold and pests develop. Mold and pests can not only be a nuisance, but their presence can also cause damages to your garage.

Professional Junk Removers: All Day Junk

All Day Junk works from sunrise to sunset all seven days of the week. If you need help removing junk from your property, we offer many options you can choose from! With our years of experience and equipment, the removal can be completed in no time. Contact us to get started today!

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Having a home that is arranged neatly and orderly is priceless. Unfortunately, in the case of most homeowners with multiple family members, keeping a home tidy seems like an impossible task. Here is a list of chores homeowners can get done this time of year to help keep their homes organized.

1. Check Behind Your Appliances

Looking behind your heavy appliances once a year is in the best interest of your home and the appliance. Checking the back of your heavy appliances only needs to be done once a year and will ensure it is running properly and not leaking. Doing a maintenance check on your appliance will also help you determine whether or not you need a new appliance.

2. Declutter The Garage

Now that the weather is getting warmer, spending a little bit of time in the garage is more bearable. Most garages are filled with junk, old toys, and unnecessary boxes. If you dedicate one day this Spring to cleaning up your garage, you are probably set in needing to clean your garage again until next year.

3. Organized Your Drawers

Many homes have drawers filled with junk items. Drawers are commonplace to toss something when you do not know where to put them, and can fill up fast.

4. Spruce Up Your Outdoor Deck Or Patio

With Spring now in full swing, we can bet there are many homeowners who plan to use their outdoor deck or patios frequently. Spending time on an outdoor deck or patio can be relaxing, but not when it is a mess. Before you start using the space routinely, sweep off the dirt, wipe the area down, and remove the junk you can see.

5. Clean Your Furniture

It is recommended that homeowners clean off their furniture once a year. The upholstery in many homes takes quite a beating from pets, children, and visitors annually. There are many ways one can clean furniture but the best way to start is with a vacuum.

Professional Junk Removal Services in Massachusetts: All Day Junk Removal

At All Day Junk Removal, our team is equipped to help Massachusetts homeowners across the state with decluttering junk. If you require professional assistance getting your home tidy, contact us

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Looking for a house project to complete during the chilly months of winter? Why not a project to get rid of all or most junk items sitting around in your home? With the colder weather this winter keeping you in your home more this winter, why not make the most of it? If decluttering your home is something you would like to take seriously this winter, it is probably best to have a professional junk removal team help you out.

Reasons to Clean Out Your Home Now

As a homeowner, it can be difficult to live in a space that’s overly cluttered or disorganized. Hoarding items often leads to inefficiency, with inhabitants struggling to easily navigate or find possessions in the home. Before the end of the year, or to start a new year, a clean and decluttered home can provide new energy.

Professional Help Is Always Available

Hauling out junk isn’t an easy process, especially if you don’t have the right help to back you. Fortunately, there are professional junk removal teams that can help categorize and sort out your personal possessions. From there they can also help move out hefty and bulk items. Some furniture, appliances, or home décor are simply too heavy for one person to remove, which is why hiring help is never a bad thing.

How Do I Find The Right Winter Junk Removal Team?

If you’re a homeowner who is looking for winter junk removal services, you’ll find plenty of options online. Be sure to do localized searches by typing in your city or location. From there, you’ll be able to find all of the local businesses that specialize in hauling removal services during winter. Once you have found the right team, you can then work toward organizing your possessions and finding the things that you most want to get rid of. We recommend creating a list that contains categories, with everything from clothing to kitchen utensils. During this process, it helps to think about what counts as an essential item and what counts as junk.

Professional Junk Removal Team For Massachusetts

All Day Junk Removal is a team that can provide efficient junk removal services across the entire state of Massachusetts. If your Massachusetts property is in need of professional junk removal services, just contact us to get started!

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Trash removal is a part of most of our lives. It is so essential, that a handful of us make a living out of it. Trash is not going to remove itself and many of us have to deal with removing it from our properties daily. Trash smells are unpleasant to see, and can build up fast. In some cases, trash is not removed properly and it can come back to backfire. Here is everything you need to know about proper trash removal.

Creates A Healthier Living Environment

It goes without saying that a cleaner home is a healthier home. Leaving trash around longer than you should or not properly disposing of it can affect your health. Whenever you choose to dispose of trash, make sure it all goes into the bag. Proper trash removal also takes into account what happens after the trash has been disposed of. Always wash your hands with soap after you conduct a trash removal chore. When you are properly removing trash from your home, you will improve and increase the chances of healthier living.

Creates a Better Outdoor Environment

How trash is disposed of is no small matter because it can affect our outdoor environment, for better or worse. This is where recycling comes in. Recycle what should be recycled to preserve the environment. While recycling mandates can be quite loose around the country, when we do not recycle, landfills fill up quickly and trash is not decomposed efficiently. Protect the environment by removing trash properly.

Creates A Safer Environment

There come times when hazardous objects need to be thrown away. These objects can be sharp pieces, flammable items, etc. It is essential to know how to dispose of these items and to not have them lying around. The last thing anyone wants to experience is stepping on a piece of broken glass or even worse, having a guest encounter that.

Trash Removal Services in Massachusetts and New Hampshire

Trash can pile up quickly. When it does, contact All Day Junk Removal Services to help you remove the trash properly. With our friendly staff and expertise, the job will be done correctly in no time.

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Are you doing a house cleanout and need to find a new home for your junk? Whether it’s a big cleaning job or a medium-sized one, having a professional junk removal service to remove the junk from your home is a worthwhile investment. Why bother with the hassle yourself when you can get convenient help? Professional junk removal can be fast and reliable and save you time and money. Professional junk removal is a service you can trust to do the heavy lifting you want to avoid. Here are further details on the benefits of professional junk removal.

 Saves You Time

A professional junk removal service takes care of your clutter so that you don’t have to bother yourself with it. When you don’t have to do the heavy lifting of removing clutter from your packed garage or your basement, you’ll have the time to do the things that matter. You can spend more time with family, handle business, and even make time for yourself to simply relax.

You don’t have to hassle with renting a dumpster, which you’d have to coordinate yourself, from permits to fees. You don’t have to stress and save yourself valuable time.

 Fast Service

Decluttering can take some time to complete, especially if you have a lot of junk to remove. However, by hiring a junk removal company to remove and dispose of your clutter, whether it’s old furniture or appliances, or a pile of junk with no name, you should expect fast service. Typically, a reputable junk removal company would make their pick-up within 24 or 48 hours after scheduling and hiring. The length of time from a customer calls the junk removal company to the actual pick should be short. If pick-up takes more than 48 hrs, that wouldn’t be considered great service.

 Reliable Professionals

Professional junk removal is often a reliable option that you can depend on to do the job right. They have the tools and equipment to handle the job they are hired to do and have the license and certification to prove that they are qualified for the job. That means that you’ll be working with a team of professionals with the experience to remove your junk with efficiency while providing quality service and peace of mind.

 Clear Space and Clutter

If you want professional help to clear your space and clutter, a junk removal company is an ideal option. These professionals are equipped to handle large-scale clutter and remove your smallest pile of junk. The junk removal that you don’t want to perform, or is impractical for you to tackle single-handedly is a job for professional junk movers. They have the manpower, trucks, tools, and ability to handle your junk easily and clear your space and clutter.

 Contact All Day Junk Removal

Get in touch with an expert junk removal company to simplify your clutter removal. They make clearing your space and clutter a whole lot easier so that you can have the time to handle the things that truly matter. Don’t hesitate to call us today at (978) 682-2040 or fill out a contact form.

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The task of removing furniture from your space can be a tedious one that you may not want to try and take on by yourself. Many furniture pieces are big, bulky, and heavy. Saving money may not be worth a DIY furniture removal job if it could end up costing you more because you injure yourself in the process. You may want to consider hiring the pros to tackle this furniture removal job for you. Keep in mind that there are certain benefits to be had from hiring a furniture removal company.

Removing Furniture From Your Home is No Easy Task

The size, weight, and shape of a piece of furniture can make it tough to maneuver. It’s no easy task to move most furniture and if you want to avoid taking on this challenging task by yourself, call in the help of professional furniture movers. You’ll find that many furniture movers are committed to safety while they remove your furniture, and are expertly trained in loading, moving, and unloading different sizes, types, and weights of furniture. Furthermore, a furniture moving company will have the right equipment and tools to ensure that the job is done correctly and timely.

An Easy Way to Avoid an Injury Since You Can Rely on Professionals 

Why risk getting injured by taking on moving your furniture by yourself? Safety should be a priority and if you take on moving heavy furniture on your own, you are asking for trouble. Furthermore, if you do not have the proper equipment and tools to move your furniture, you increase your risk of getting hurt. Hiring professional furniture movers eliminates the risk of you getting hurt unnecessarily. Remember that professional movers are trained specifically to perform this task with care, following correct safety and procedural guidelines. 


Professional removal companies know what they are doing and can save you significant time. As experts, they can handle the job efficiently and remove the stress that you would otherwise have to confront with a DIY job. With the right team, know-how, tools, and equipment, like safety gear, dollies, and quality trucks, professional movers will complete the job in a manner that will afford you the peace of mind that you need. 

Proper Removal

If you leave your furniture on the curb, local trash collectors will probably not take it away and you’d still be stuck with finding a solution. Leaving furniture on the curb may also be a violation depending on where you live. There is a right way and a wrong way to get rid of your old furniture and it’s your responsibility to know what’s required. By hiring professional movers, you don’t have to worry about local violations and you ensure that your old furniture is disposed of in the correct manner. 

Professional Furniture Removal in Boston, MA: All Day Junk

Are you wondering what to do about your old furniture? All Day Junk Removal offers furniture removal services and can help you remove unwanted furniture quickly and effectively across Massachusetts. Contact us today to get started! 

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Junk Removal Tips Cleb . Junk Removal Tips Cleb .


Who does not want a junk-free home? Some of you may be under the impression your home can never not be filled with junk but that does not have to be the case. All it takes is a little commitment and the right mindset. Here are the best pieces of advice to declutter your home and keep it junk-free.

1. Sort Your Mail

Mail quickly piles up in many homes. Too many of us keep mail that we do not read or ever plan on getting around. A good way to prevent mail clutter is to have a sorting system. Put relevant mail in one box and mail that you do not deem important in another. By the end of each week, go through the mail you do not deem is important and throw them away right away if you have no need for them.

2. Make Donations

There comes a time when we all outgrow something. Whether it is toys, clothing, or other items, most of us can all donate something. There are donation centers around every community. If you have too many items you no longer have any need for, consider giving them away.

3. Store Similar Items in the Same Area

Having a disorganized home is an easy way for junk to pile up before you know it. If you notice items stored all over the place around your home, it could be a sign that your home needs to be decluttered and organized. Use your shelves and store similar items together.

4. Buy What You Need, Not Always What You Want

Focusing on buying items you need for your home is a good way to ensure you do not buy more than you have to. You should not buy everything you necessarily want because that can clutter your home in short order. Instead, buy what you know you need and only buy “luxury items” every now and then

5. Contact a Junk Removal Company

When you believe you have too much junk scattered around your home, do not be afraid to ask for help if you need it, At All Day Junk, our team does not judge and we are always ready to help. We proudly service Eastern MA and Southern NH communities! Contact us today to get rid of excess junk asap!

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Junk Removal Tips Cleb . Junk Removal Tips Cleb .


If you’re getting ready for spring cleaning (or cleaning during any season), you’re probably already thinking about what to do with all that stuff. Sure, some of it will get taken out with the trash, but what about the stuff that’s in decent shape but you just no longer want or need? A yard sale could be just the solution you’re looking for. Here’s why you should consider having a yard sale before junk removal. 

Extra Cash

The most obvious reason to have a yard sale before junk removal? A bit of extra cash! Instead of just getting rid of your unwanted stuff, you could end up with a little spending money, which will come in handy if you need to replace, repair, or update other items. 

It’s essential to manage your expectations when it comes to a yard sale, though. Yard sale customers are looking for a bargain, so it’s unlikely you’ll fetch high prices. Don’t worry, though – you’ll still end up with more money and less junk in the house. 

Easier Decisions for Junk Removal

During your yard sale, pay attention to what people are looking at. Knowing which items are popular will help you when it comes to getting rid of the rest of your junk. You’ll have a good idea of what people want, what price it can go for, and whether it’s worth it to junk or try selling again. 

Community Engagement

Having a yard sale is a great way to connect with your community. Take the opportunity to get to know your neighbors. Engaging with neighbors this way will help create a more supportive environment and help the neighborhood feel more cohesive. Knowing your neighbors and interacting with them goes a long way to encourage a sense of safety and security. 


Holding a garage sale is a great way to declutter your home – which is likely the goal you’re aiming for! Instead of figuring out where different items need to go, your customers will take care of it for you. Then, once the sale is over, you’ll have more space in your home and a better idea of what to do with the rest of your unwanted stuff. 

No Transportation Needed

A final reason to have a yard sale before junk removal is that you don’t have to arrange to transport your larger items. If you have furniture, appliances, or any other large, unwanted (but still functional) items, the people shopping at your yard sale will be responsible for taking them away in their own vehicle. That means you don’t have to pay to rent a truck to haul oversized items away. 

Junk Removal Services Around Boston, MA: All Day Junk

Whether or not you have a yard sale, we can help you with junk removal once you have your mind made up. Declutter effectively and efficiently today! Contact us to get started!

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Cleaning Tips Cleb . Cleaning Tips Cleb .


Spring has fully sprung on us and spring cleanings are as important as ever. The 2020 pandemic has forced all of us to spend more time at home in the past year, while the definition of “clean” has taken on a brand-new meaning. How we approach our hygiene, health, and cleanliness is at an all-time high, so here are five reasons to take spring cleaning and junk removal around your home seriously this year.

Your Immune System

Contribute to a healthy immune system and better breathing and do not neglect spring maintenance. When you place emphasis on tidying up your home and throwing away items you no longer need, you immediately create a healthier environment. Spring is a popular time for allergy season, but you can mitigate allergies by keeping your house as clean and organized as possible. Keep your spring allergies in check by preventing dust, mildew, and mold from accumulating.

Keeps You Active

A little bit of exercise never hurts anybody. Cleaning your home is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. Not only, will cleaning and decluttering your home get you up and moving, it will also help you create a nicer living environment. Many of us do not like working out but when you are actively cleaning your home, you are hardly thinking about moving around! Shed some calories today by cleaning up an area of your house!

Goodbye Junk

Our homes are filled with too much unnecessary junk and unwanted items. Sadly, over time for whatever reason, we fail to get rid of them and they add up quickly. Most of us hoard items we do not need or no longer have use for and that is not good for a home. When you do a spring cleaning and take it seriously, you will be able to downsize your home by finally getting rid of all that you do not need. Saying goodbye to your junk will put you in a good mood and will give you a cleaner, nicer home.

Professional Junk Removal Services in servicing Eastern, MA & Southern New Hampshire: All Day Junk Removal

A messy house can be stressful. At All Day Junk Removal, our professionals can help you clean up and declutter your junk this spring. Sometimes cleaning up a house requires the work of more than one person and situations like that allow our team to thrive! Let us help you get rid of expired and undesirable items in a quick and efficient manner! Get in contact with us today to get started!

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Cleaning Tips Cleb . Cleaning Tips Cleb .


Hoarding is a problem that affects more people than you’d expect. It’s generally something that starts out small but quickly grows. People who hoard end up with closets, rooms, and houses full of junk. This is an extremely obvious symptom of a less obvious mental health problem. The hoarding is seriously dangerous, though. People in hoarder homes are at higher risk for disease, injury, and death. Hoards can hide rotting food, they can fall on people, and they can lead to fires and collapses. 

Focus on the Person, Not the Problem

Hoarding is a mental health problem at its root. The junk in the home is a serious, dangerous symptom, but it’s not the cause of the problem. If you ignore the person and the actual thoughts behind the hoarding, then nothing will actually get better. You must keep the person who hoards at the center of your solution. Anything else is not going to be effective. 

Making Goals 

When you are trying to help someone who hoards, you have to break things into smaller goals. Every item in a hoard has an emotional attachment for most hoarders. Thinking about getting rid of all of the stuff at once will give many of these people panic attacks and breakdowns. Instead, smaller goals will help them come to terms with change. Think about things in terms of rooms or types of items, instead of a whole home. 

Encourage Them to Seek Help

Mental health problems require professional help in most cases. No matter how much you care about someone, you are unlikely to be able to manage these kinds of issues. If someone who hoards is open to change, encourage them to seek real professional help. This help should be both in mental health and in the actual physical removal of items. 

Hiring a Junk Removal Service

On that subject, a true hoarder home is a cleanup job that needs professional services. If you get permission from the person who hoards, a junk removal service can clear out rooms in little to no time, and leave an organized and clean home in its wake. This can help keep things efficient and less emotional for the person who hoards. 

Hoarding Cleanouts in Eastern MA & Southern NH

All Day Junk Removal is specifically trained and experienced with hoarding, and we are happy to be your cleanout resource for you and your loved one. We are prepared to take extra care to only remove the items the hoarder is ready and willing to part with and to leave an organized & clean home behind as part of our services. To discuss our help with your hoarding situation in Eastern MA or Southern NH, please call All Day Junk Removal today at (978) 682-2040

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