Cleaning Tips Cleb . Cleaning Tips Cleb .


Some people think that decluttering is just another trend that will run its course. Books, television shows, and blogs are dedicated to the movement of decluttering. However, while the topic might be trending currently, there are a lot of tangible benefits that come with decluttering. Whether you start decluttering because you saw it on television or want to make a lifestyle change, understanding the importance can help you stick with the process.

Avoid the mess.

If you’re honest, you might admit that seeing someone else’s mess is easy to judge. Of course, there’s a reasonable explanation when it comes to your own mess. Decluttering allows you to turn the judgment to your own belongings and property to make it neater and more organized. Truly decluttering can not only get rid of the things you really don’t need, but it makes cleaning what’s left far more accessible and less time-consuming.

Find what you need when you need it.

Do you find yourself shuffling through the assortment of items and papers on the counters to find what you’re looking for? You may think that it only takes a few minutes of shuffling to find what you need. Add up those minutes over the course of a week or a month, and you may realize that you could save a lot of time by decluttering. Decluttering makes life simpler!

Improve your health – mentally and physically.

Scientists have proven clutter to be bad for your health. In fact, people experiencing a depressive episode often feel better simply by clearing away some clutter. Clearing the clutter is also beneficial to your physical health, as less dust collects when you have fewer items to remove it from. A clutter-free home is one with fewer tripping hazards, as well. The benefits to your health are often incentive enough for a decluttering session.

Don’t get attached to useless items.

Have you ever found yourself with a bond to an item that has no use? Sentimental value is essential, but it can be overused! If everything holds sentimental value, is it really valuable? By decluttering quickly as you discover you’ve got more than you need, you may realize that the gathered items are far less meaningful than had it sat in your home for years.

Professional Junk Removal Services in Eastern MA & Southern, NH

Decluttering can be a lengthy process. Help is not only available but comes recommended! All Day Junk is a professional at removing items past their time! Our experts are who you want to contact to declutter your home quickly!

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Cleaning Tips Cleb . Cleaning Tips Cleb .


An organized home can help enhance the appearance of your home and make items easier to find. Unfortunately, many homes are cluttered with junk and disorganized. Here are five ways you can organize your home.

1. Take It One Step At a Time

Organizing your home is not going to be completed in merely one step. In most cases, organizing a home is not even an overnight process. It takes time, but if you put in the time, it will all be worth it in the end. Pick one place to focus on organizing first. Do not bounce around trying to organize different areas at once.

2. Be Decisive

One of the most common reasons a house becomes cluttered with junk items is because of items that are kept longer than they should be kept. It can be easy to be attached to certain items but if they have been worn or used in quite some time, it is probably best to get rid of it. Making quick decisions will help you organize items efficiently.

3. Use Storage Containers

Storage containers are invaluable when it comes to organization. As you are working on getting your home organized, storage containers can be used to store common items.

4. Get In The Routine

Organizing your home is useful, but if you do not get into the routine of regularly organizing or setting good habits, it will not be long until your home is messy again.

5. Have Designated Areas for Certain Items

Designating areas for certain items such as a vacuum will help keep your home organized. Once you designate areas for certain items, it is important to place these items back in place after use. Doing so will create good habits and keep your home less cluttered.

Junk Removal Services in Massachusetts

All Day Junk Removal is the team of junk removal experts you can turn to when you need help removing junk from your property. Our team offers a variety of prompt junk removal services and can do the heavy lifting for you. Freeing up space by removing what you do not need anymore can be invaluable for you and your home. To get started, just contact us today!

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Cleaning Tips Cleb . Cleaning Tips Cleb .


Most of us want to live in an organized, sparkling home, but everyday life sometimes gets in the way of cleaning as much as we would like to. It is also likely that when you do find yourself with enough time to do some serious cleaning, you feel overwhelmed and struggle with where to start. Following this guide is meant to help you keep your kitchen spic-and-span, even when things get busy. Here you’ll find some helpful tips regarding how frequently you should be cleaning various parts of your kitchen space. You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that you don’t have to clean certain kitchen components as much as you thought you did!


Kitchen sponges should be cleaned more than anything else in a kitchen. This is because they are exposed to bacteria from dirty dishes nearly every day. Ideally, you should run your sponges through your dishwasher (top rack only) on a daily basis. Barring that, make a point of rinsing them thoroughly with hot water whenever you are done with them.

Garbage cans & recycling bins

As time goes by, garbage cans and recycling bins can start to get extremely scummy and smelly. This is largely because the plastic that is used to manufacture them begins to absorb odors as time goes by. Every 60-90 days, give your bins a good cleaning by rinsing the insides with water, sprinkling them with baking soda, then allowing them to sit outside for about 20 minutes prior to scrubbing them down.


As a general rule, it is wise to give your refrigerator a basic cleaning once a month and a deep clean about every three months. During your monthly upkeep, remove any outdated or spoiled food and wipe down any spills or sticky spots that have developed. Your quarterly deep clean, on the other hand, should involve taking everything out of the appliance, scrubbing all of the shelves, and putting a fresh box of baking soda in the back to absorb unpleasant odors.

Cabinets & pantry

Canned goods and other non-perishables should be cleaned out about every six months. Very few unopened shelf items will go bad faster than this. If you realize you have an overabundance of a certain type of canned good product that can still be used, consider making a donation to a local food pantry.

If you are overwhelmed by the amount of clutter or expired items in your kitchen, hiring a junk removal service to assist with your next deep cleaning session is probably a good idea. The experts who work for reputable junk removal companies will not judge your home and truly care about helping you achieve a better standard of living by clearing out your clutter once and for all! For junk removal services in Eastern MA & Southern NH, contact All Day Junk Removal today. 

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Spring cleaning leaves your home looking clean and your mind feeling refreshed. One of the most important aspects of truly cleaning out is eliminating junk & clutter. A clutter-free home will allow you more physical space and mental clarity. Eliminating junk & clutter is a process, but worth it in the end. Check out our expert tips to streamline your spring cleaning!

Clear the Surfaces

Clutter on tables, floors, shelves, and other surfaces can sneak up on you before you realize it. Once you clear off these surfaces, you realize how much space you truly have. Do this by putting things away or tossing them. This not only helps in terms of clutter but also for cleanliness – You can now clean the dust and dirt that has accumulated on the surfaces under your junk!

Find a Spot for Everything

One of the most frustrating things is doing a deep clean of your home, only to feel the clutter creep back in shortly after. To make sure your home stays clean & organized in the long term, everything you own needs to have a designated “spot” where it belongs. Shelves, drawers, bins, and other organizing storage units are the key to this! Remember to organize logically and think about how frequently items are used.

When in Doubt, Throw it Out

One of the best strategies for cleaning out is to eliminate items you don’t need. If you haven’t used an item in recent memory and have no plans to, it might be in your best interest to move it along. “Throwing out” an item does not have to mean putting it in the trash. Many junk removal services help with the donation or recycling of salvageable items!

Clean Everywhere

If you’re committing to spring cleaning, hit all areas of your home… Even the ones you’ve been pushing aside. Whether it’s your attic, basement, or garage that has become a dumping ground, there is no better time to tackle it than now! Clearing out the old electronics, appliances, clothing, and more that has accumulated over the years will free up space for the items you want to keep & that need a home.

Call in Reinforcements!

If you’re ready to go all-in with your spring cleaning, a junk removal company can be your perfect teammate. All Day Junk Removal specializes in all types of junk, from removing electronics to helping hoarders get their homes in order. No matter the mess you’re starting with, we’re here to help! For your spring cleaning needs in Eastern MA & Southern NH, call All Day Junk today. (978) 682-2040

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Attics are well known for being a dumping ground for seasonal decor and clothing, unused furniture, family memorabilia, children’s toys, and other items that you want to keep but are not used on a regular basis. Over the years, all of these items pile up in your attic and before you know it, you’re out of storage space and can’t even wade through the mess up there! By going through and organizing these items on a regular basis, you’ll be able to keep the junk at a minimum and allow extra storage space for items that matter the most.

Before digging into your next attic organization project, consider these tips!

Make a Plan

An action plan for cleaning and organizing your attic is going to make a world of difference. If you’re lucky, you have an extremely spacious attic, but that’s not always the case. As the area of your home with typically the least amount of space, it’s best to remove all of the items in your attic and place them elsewhere in your home so you have more space to sort through and organize everything. We recommend utilizing your driveway, garage, or deck for this!

Sort Through Everything

As you are going through all of the items from your attic, place them into three piles – keep, trash, & donate. This will keep everything as organized as possible and will give you a better overview of the items you have to put back into your attic. For any of the items that you are no longer going to utilize, give All Day Junk Removal a call today at (978) 682-2040 to schedule a fast & convenient pick-up!

Consider Shelving, Bins & Labels

Now that you’ve gone through and organized all of the items that were previously in your attic, it’s time to decide how you are going to organize them once you bring them back up to your attic. If you have enough space, shelving is a great way to save space and organize your items. If not, bins and labels are a great place to start! Labeling your storage bins and boxes will help you remember what’s where without having to dig through everything.

Are you dreading your attic organization or need your old junk removed? Give us a call today at (978) 682-2040 to get a quote or schedule your appointment!

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